Digital Assistance and Support Packages

Administrative support consists of servicing the client’s business on a daily basis with digital administration and virtual assistant support via the Internet. Our collaboration process is set up so that no matter where you are, we can work together (and with your clients too) online, in a virtual environment.

Please note, these packages include virtual services only, we don’t offer “on location” or phone support.



One of the first steps we will take is to set up your online office so that everything is accessible from the cloud. The aim is to be able to sync this to your desktop if possible, too. For this to happen, we will bring in Google Apps for sharing files, e-mail, and calendar, frequently asked questions and/or an Intranet. Two users are provided on a complimentary basis (which would usually cost $50 per year per user) when you buy the Administrative Package. One of these users will be the client and the other will be ours. Don’t worry about how to do this as we’ll walk you through the process of setting up Google Apps.


We will manage one or two e-mail inboxes as part of the service and can add more if needed. To start off with, this should resemble your personal inbox or general inquires for your company.

We use a plug-in called ActiveInbox in order to collaborate. This usually requires an investment of $24.95 per year, per inbox, but to you it’s complimentary. E-mails will be processed on a daily basis and the target response is between 24 to 48 hours, Monday-Friday. It would allow us to do extra research as needed or to ask questions. This interface is quite easy to manage as it requires only a login and a simple click. One just needs to review e-mails that are important and that require your attention.

You’ll find how easy and quick it is to work with this e-mail interface when it comes to corresponding with us, or by using a simple click process to enable task creation.


Here we’re able to automate the whole process when it comes to booking appointments, receiving confirmations and reminders. With the calendar and appointment service you’ll receive an email at 5:30 am every morning with a breakdown of that day’s schedule. You’re able to start your day knowing exactly what’s ahead of you. This will be waiting for you when you login each day.

The system is very flexible, allowing us to manage personal time and any other ad hoc appointments you may have as independent calendar events. You’ll be completely on top of all that you need to do today, next week or even next month, depending on your personal requirements.


As the process of handling your calendar and e-mail continues we’ll be able to keep a note of all frequently asked questions and other information related to a specific task, client booking or e-mail. As information is gathered, it will help us to process e-mails much more efficiently and handle tasks as we progress without needing to get in touch with you.

This information will be maintained within the Google Sites facility and will enable you to establish a database full of custom responses, ideal procedures and workflows for dealing with customer support, inquires or troubleshooting.


These hours can be used for anything that you might need additional help with. They do NOT, however, carry over to the next month. If you don’t use them, you lose them.


For businesses that need a reliable team with a professional appearance when handling your customers.

It includes everything listed from option #1, with the addition of the following:


Every week, at a consistently scheduled day/time, you and Amy can come together for a 30 minute Skype meeting. These meetings are designed to focus on the week ahead. Starting each week off on the same page will eliminate interruptions and help keep the focus on the most important tasks to follow.

2. CRM

Customer relationship management is extremely important. We will establish a comprehensive CRM system dealing with administrative and social affairs for each client. This can be managed each day so that you’ll never drop the ball when it comes to following up with a potential client, or miss a crucial date such as a client’s birthday.

We use an online system called and provide you with a complimentary copy of this great CRM tool that’s valued at usually $50 per month per user. This software tool enables us to bring together both your connections and customers from all over the Internet and merge them with an e-mail inbox functionality. Following that, your network will be managed by tagging, organizing, scheduling and following up. Needs can be identified and possible opportunities discovered through the use of filters and keywords.

You’ll find opportunities that might have been hidden before. From a CRM point of view, everything will be much more effective and valuable leads will be uncovered. We bring this to your attention immediately so that clients can be truly impressed by your level of service. You won’t have to worry about losing clients anymore.


An Intranet is a website that’s developed only for use by your company (internally). It’s a great idea for growing organizations. You will see how the organization functions and how efficiently growth can be handled.

We’ll set up your Intranet with a number of workflows and instruction processes and also include customized manuals. There will be one centralized interface where all websites and key systems are accessible.

The latest announcements and news updates will be accessible, as will the calendar overview, tasks, downloads and much more. This will be the one place that you access anything that’s of importance to your organization. This portal will be easily accessible by anyone who you have authorized.


When you’re ready for the next level, we can provide the tools to successfully run your business online in the 21st Century.

  • Dedicated Client and Project Management Systems.
  • Customer Relationship Management & Tracking.
  • Ticketed Customer Support Desk.

Please book a free consultation with Amy to discuss details about this package!